Women's Conference
Heart of Prayer Gathering
an event for women
Registration is now closed! We will see you at the event... Join us Friday, September 20, 6:30-9pm, and Saturday, September 21, 9am-4pm, at First Place Christian Center for a splash of laughter, love and fellowship for all generations. Combining worship of contemporary and traditional, we will explore prayer and our identity in Christ surrounding Mary and Martha.
Conference details
Who is invited?
The conference is open to all with a recommendation of high school age and up, in and out of Troy First UMC.
What is the cost to attend?
A $5 donation suggested at the door to cover meals and expenses, or give what you can give.
Will there be childcare?
There is no childcare. Daddy Daycare is encouraged. What is Daddy Daycare? A time for dad friends, grandparents, or other caregivers to gather together and watch the kids while the moms get to have fun!
Are meals provided?
Friday: Eat before you come. Snacks will be provided.
Saturday: A light breakfast starts at 8:30am. Lunch will be provided.
Saturday: A light breakfast starts at 8:30am. Lunch will be provided.