What is discipleship? I. Following Jesus

"And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people."" Matthew 4:19
"Follow me," Jesus called. It was the first invitation to the first disciples. "Follow Me" was an imperative. No time to dilly dally. Get after it. Don't think too hard. Just get up and go.
"Follow Me," Jesus said. The invitation involves pursuing a person, a singular person. No one else needs to be in our sights. The Christian Life is a life lived as a disciple, in a real live relationship with a Living Being known as the Lord of Life, the Messiah, the One for Whom all history still waits.
Whatever you think Christianity is, it is foremost a journey with Jesus learning as we submit to His lead. It's not just about learning the answers to a set of doctrinal questions, but a dynamic life-giving relationship with the One True Lord.
Not primarily, sit down Bible Studies. Jesus taught as He kept the disciples on the move in the flow of their daily life.
Not primarily, mandatory frequency of church attendance. The disciples learned the nuances of His life while traveling together on the road, not sitting in your pew.
No minimum deposit demanded. It was much bigger than that. Rather, Jesus challenged them to bring their entire maximum. Jesus said it would be worth their all. Deny self. Pick up your cross.
"Following" is an active pursuit. It's a verb, like following in the footsteps of your size-13-shoed grandpa as he leads you through a drift of snow. Or a naturalist pointing to new discoveries as you walk in the woods. Follow in Jesus steps. Earthly comforts and former loyalties be damned.
"Follow Me" was the first and last word Jesus spoke to the Apostle Peter. The invitation bookended his life from Matthew 4 to John 21. And it served as the main thread throughout his ministry. Follow Me and learn to heal, cast out ungodly demons, learn my Way and soak up all My truth within.
Follow Me, Jesus said. And throughout the rest of the Gospels Jesus explained in even more detail.
Follow Me and...
...learn from me as I am gentle and humble in heart." Matthew 11:28
...I will make you fishers of people. Matthew 4:19
...You'll never walk in darkness. John 8:12
...You'll know my voice. John 10:4
...You'll be conversely known by Me. John 10:27
...Have eternal life. John 10:28
...Serve Me. John 12.26
...Deny yourself and pick up your cross. Mark 8:34-35
Dietrick Bonhoeffer said, "The following of Christ is not the achievement or merit of a select few, but the divine command to all Christians without distinction."
At their root, God's commands are glorious invitations.
And best of all, we get to follow Him together in community.
Welcome to the journey.
Pastor Chris
"Follow me," Jesus called. It was the first invitation to the first disciples. "Follow Me" was an imperative. No time to dilly dally. Get after it. Don't think too hard. Just get up and go.
"Follow Me," Jesus said. The invitation involves pursuing a person, a singular person. No one else needs to be in our sights. The Christian Life is a life lived as a disciple, in a real live relationship with a Living Being known as the Lord of Life, the Messiah, the One for Whom all history still waits.
Whatever you think Christianity is, it is foremost a journey with Jesus learning as we submit to His lead. It's not just about learning the answers to a set of doctrinal questions, but a dynamic life-giving relationship with the One True Lord.
Not primarily, sit down Bible Studies. Jesus taught as He kept the disciples on the move in the flow of their daily life.
Not primarily, mandatory frequency of church attendance. The disciples learned the nuances of His life while traveling together on the road, not sitting in your pew.
No minimum deposit demanded. It was much bigger than that. Rather, Jesus challenged them to bring their entire maximum. Jesus said it would be worth their all. Deny self. Pick up your cross.
"Following" is an active pursuit. It's a verb, like following in the footsteps of your size-13-shoed grandpa as he leads you through a drift of snow. Or a naturalist pointing to new discoveries as you walk in the woods. Follow in Jesus steps. Earthly comforts and former loyalties be damned.
"Follow Me" was the first and last word Jesus spoke to the Apostle Peter. The invitation bookended his life from Matthew 4 to John 21. And it served as the main thread throughout his ministry. Follow Me and learn to heal, cast out ungodly demons, learn my Way and soak up all My truth within.
Follow Me, Jesus said. And throughout the rest of the Gospels Jesus explained in even more detail.
Follow Me and...
...learn from me as I am gentle and humble in heart." Matthew 11:28
...I will make you fishers of people. Matthew 4:19
...You'll never walk in darkness. John 8:12
...You'll know my voice. John 10:4
...You'll be conversely known by Me. John 10:27
...Have eternal life. John 10:28
...Serve Me. John 12.26
...Deny yourself and pick up your cross. Mark 8:34-35
Dietrick Bonhoeffer said, "The following of Christ is not the achievement or merit of a select few, but the divine command to all Christians without distinction."
At their root, God's commands are glorious invitations.
And best of all, we get to follow Him together in community.
Welcome to the journey.
Pastor Chris